Big black shoes, a painted face and a circular red nose might make some think of the friendly face of Ronald McDonald; however, this Halloween has changed that image for many teenagers nationwide. Carmela Cohensuarez ‘20 never liked clowns to begin with, but this Halloween has her more terrified than ever of spotting one.
Cohensuarez at first did not believe the hearsay about the clown sightings in Iowa she said, “ I thought it was a rumor but then more and more people started talking about it and I saw it on the news and stuff.” The recent incidents have made her take extra caution about going trick-or-treating alone and made her never want to go to a haunted house. A friend of hers wanted to dress up as a clown, but because of the clown sightings and the idea of them being dangerous, her friend does not want to seem as if she is apart of the dangerous activity. Cohensuarez blames some of this scary movement on celebrities and people on social media: “If [celebrities] were not hyping up all the clown sightings, it probably would not have been such a big deal.” However, talks of clown sightings in Iowa has gone down seeing as news of dangerous clown activity has lessened. Yet, if creepy clowns are not your thing, buying candy and eating it alone does not sound too shabby.