The student news source of Iowa City West High


Life can be told in acronyms, like the title of this senior column: “This Is My Senior Column” (TIMSC for short). Even though my four years at West were anything but short, I will try to keep this senior column brief by using acronyms. 

WSS — West Side Story. No doubt the best activity to be involved in at West High. So many memories were made in Room 111 with some of the most hard-working and funniest people I’ve met. I would’ve never hated the Oxford comma or learned how to get out of my comfort zone and do interviews with strangers if it weren’t for journalism. 

LCMLOLSM — Literally Crying From Laughing Out Loud So Much. I am sorry to anyone who witnessed me crying from laughing over something that probably wasn’t even that funny. 

HSIABRC — High School Is A Broken Roller Coaster. From wiping away tears while doing pre-calc homework to sharing laughs with friends during lunch, there really isn’t anything predictable about high school. Absolutely nothing might go your way, but things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. 

ICSETY — I Cannot Say Enough Thank You’s. Thank you to Craig and the athletic department for answering all my questions and hanging out with me on the sidelines during sport events. Thank you, Byron, for letting me eat lunch in your room. And of course, thank you to everyone on the WSS staff and Sara for being the highlight of my day. The newsroom was a place I always looked forward to being every single day because of you all.

DLYBIYCOEIWGS — Don’t Leave Your Backpack In Your Car Or Else It Will Get Stolen. (I learned this the hard way). IYKYK. 

TTFN (Ta-Ta For Now),


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