The student news source of Iowa City West High

Some Handy Thoughts

I still find it very strange that I’m going to be graduating soon. Of course, it’s only now that my time in high school is up that I feel like I’ve started to get the hang of it, figured out what my priorities are and how to manage my time and stress levels. It’s kinda like the movie ““Nanny McPhee””: now that I get it, I have no choice but to move on from it. 

If you’re reading this in search of advice, I think the best thing I have to offer is this: forgive yourself. I’ll be honest, I felt a lot of regret these past four years, and in the moments where I’ve felt disappointed in myself, I’ve found self-forgiveness to be the only way through. Just know that you’re growing and going through a lot, and it’s normal for everything to feel frustrating and unfair. These years aren’t going to be perfect, and you probably won’t quite reach your maximum potential, but if you can forgive your mistakes, you can still get pretty far.

And now that everything’s been said, it’s time I reveal my secret identity.

I am West Side Story’s official hand model.

Peace out.

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