Ashlyn Brady
A student places their phone in their backpack.
West High implemented a new school-wide phone policy on Dec. 2 to help prepare students for the final district policy. After months of discussion about the presence of phones in the classroom, the school board has come to a final decision about a district-wide policy that will go into effect on Jan. 21.
Voted on in the final meeting for the year on Dec. 10, the district chose to move forward with a “limited use” policy. The policy states that “student cell phones shall not be seen, heard, or in use during instructional time.” Instructional time is defined as the time between the tardy bell that starts each class period and the dismissal bell that ends the class period. Cell phones must be silenced and secured in backpacks at the beginning of class.
Teachers will remind students to place their devices in their backpacks at the beginning of class. On the first offense of violation of the new policy, students will lose their phone, headphones and/or earbuds for the day. Students will sign a documentation sheet to receive their devices at the end of the day and acknowledge the violation of the policy.
On the second offense, students will lose their device, sign the documentation sheet and acknowledge that parents will be notified if the policy is violated again.
On the third offense, students will lose their device, sign the documentation sheet and administration will contact parents.
On the fourth offense, students will lose their device until the parent/guardian meeting. The student will meet with the administration and their parent/guardian to discuss the issue.
On the fifth offense, a technology plan will be implemented for the student.
Cell phones may still be used during lunch, passing periods, study halls and open hours. These areas will be labeled, indicating cell phone usage is allowed. However, students with open periods must wait until they reach one of these areas before using their cell phones. Although this isn’t a full-on ban, middle and high schools will be drastically stricter with this policy than in previous years. For more information, read the full policy here.
Superintendent Matt Degner emailed students and families on Dec. 11 with information on the new district-wide policy. The new guidelines are made to reduce distractions during instructional time, ensuring students stay engaged and help them develop healthy digital habits. More information is said to be sent out in the upcoming weeks as we near the end of this quarter.