Lucy’s Lowdown: the importance of being political

Opinion editor Lucy Polyak shares why people shouldn’t just opt-out of politics.

Maddi Shinall

Lucy Polyak describes why wanting to stay out of politics is inherently privileged in her latest installment of Lucy’s Lowdown.

Lucy Polyak, Columns Editor

In Charles M. Shultz’ It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, overly-earnest Linus Van Pelt states, “There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” Currently, I’m not so certain on religion or the Great Pumpkin, but, now more than ever, we should be talking about politics.

After the recent midterm election, I’ve seen a lot of people say that they’re tired of politics being all over their social media timelines or the only thing talked about in their friend group. People want happy news back. Our political climate doesn’t bother them.

That is undoubtedly one of the most selfish ways to live. Staying out of politics shows the darkest usage of privilege. You don’t want to get involved because your life or safety isn’t at stake.

Additionally, choosing to not care about politics means nothing ever gets fixed in our country. If we all just sat passively and let the world float past us, America would still be a place where only the white, land-owning man had a voice. While voter oppression is still alive and well in our country, we’re moving towards a world where everyone has a voice that can make it to the polls.

In fact, the 2018 Midterm election had the highest voter turnout for a midterm since 1966. This is incredible news because of the fact that it shows that people are finally finding their voices and using them for good. Don’t be the voice that complains about that.

Frankly, the idea that discussing politics is impolite is an idea of the past. One of the best ways to educate ourselves on the issues of the world is by speaking to those who have experienced them firsthand. Conversing with people of opposing viewpoints is vital as well so that no one’s views become so polarized that they refuse to listen to anyone but themselves.

One thing I’ve come across is young people that are interested in getting involved in politics but don’t know how. However, there are so many ways to get involved in the political scene without being able to vote yourself. From student groups, voter registration efforts, campaigning and door-knocking, the opportunities are endless.

There’s no reason to not be involved in politics. There’s no reason to dislike those who involve themselves in politics. Bettering our future takes dedicated, passionate citizens, and there’s no reason that can’t be you.