Senior futures

The 51st graduating class of West High is looking ahead to what is next in their life after the cap and gown.

This density map shows where seniors will be headed after graduation. Most will stay in Iowa. Not reflected in the map are the six students going overseas.

Lydia Guo

This density map shows where seniors will be headed after graduation. Most will stay in Iowa. Not reflected in the map are the six students going overseas.


Noah Aanestad – Going to Drake to major in finance.

Brayden Adcock

Zachary Albright – Iowa bound, baby.

Alaa Ali – I will attend Columbia University and most likely study neuroscience and human rights on the pre-med track.

Elshafea Ali – Go to college.

Mohamed Ali – Travel, work, become president, climb Mount Everest or start a multi-billion dollar business. I don’t know, but there’s only one way to find out.

Sydney Allen – I will attend the University of Iowa with a major in pre-physical therapy.

Allison Altschuler

Angel Alvarado

Gabriel Alvarado – I’m going to keep on moving with life.

Gada Ambo

Sinon Amosi

Garth Anderson

Grant Anderson

Martiza (Tez) Anderson

Lukas Anson – I will be attending the University of Iowa to study computer science and engineering and eventually getting an MBA.

Kristin Asa – Going to the University of Iowa with an open major and dance minor.

Tariq AshShareef – I’ll be going to the University of California San Diego to study astrophysics. Tons of sun and no more snow, here I come!

Sam Auner – Go to Kirkwood.

Marco Avalos

Akouavi (Natasha) Awugah


Ivan Badovinac – I will be attending the University of Iowa next fall to study biomedical engineering and pre-medicine with hopes of becoming a surgeon after med school.

Hunter Bagan – I am going to Wartburg College to study elementary education and run cross country.

Nikita Bailey – I am heading to the University of Iowa to major in linguistics and minor in English!

Jillian Baker – I’ll be attending the University of Pennsylvania to study political science and Spanish!!!!! 🙂

Jaclyn Bakken – I will be attending Coe College to major in nursing with an emphasis in pediatric hematology/oncology and a minor in Spanish. Along with my studies, I will be playing softball for Coe, and outside of Coe, I will working as a Certified Nurse Aide.

Carson Baldes

Ibrahim Barakat – College.

Emerie Bell – I will be attending the University of Iowa to major in psychology and minor in biology in hopes of becoming a research psychologist in the future.

Olivia Benda – I will be attending Iowa State University and will be a pre-vet major.

Nicholas Bergman

Nick Biancuzzo – I will attend the University of Iowa to study finance at the Tippie College of Business.

Kaleb Binns

Micah Blair

Marshall Blatz – I plan on attending the University of Iowa to study computer science engineering.

Jordamy Boboliko

Jemima Bolisomi

Louange Botembe

Alexander Boxwell

Peyton Brady – Going to Iowa with an open major.

Nicholas Brand

Caleb Brandauer – I am going to UNI and major in creative writing and secondary education.

Sydney Brands

Jason Breitbach

Noah Breitbach

Peter Breitbach

Amanda Brown – I have been accepted to the University of Iowa for human physiology.

Ellie Brown – I am going to CU Boulder into the Leeds School of Business.

Jonathan Brown – Work, have fun and go to college.

Sean Brown

Suzanna Brown – I will be attending St. Olaf in Northfield, MN as a psychology major with a possible concentration in management studies.

Emily Buck – I will attend Smith College, exploring all the humanities classes but mostly focusing on English.

Jaden Buckley


Chase Calderwood

Ryan Callanan

Daylan (Day) Canady-Driver

Trinity Cannon

Hannah Cantrell – This fall, I will be attending Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California with a major in film, TV and media studies.

Bryan Carbajal

Christina Carlson

Avery Carneol – I am going to the University of Iowa and majoring in exercise science.

Gabriel Caruthers

Ben Caster – I am planning to attend Kirkwood Community College for the next two years majoring in earth science with a minor in either biology, chemistry or anatomy.

Zachary Chackalackal – I’ll be at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in computer science.

Andy Chen – I will be attending the University of Iowa because I can’t afford to go anywhere else :(((((((

Ethan Chen – I will attend Northwestern University to study biology and statistics.

Kevin Chen

Sophia Chen – I am planning to attend Washington University in St. Louis majoring in biology with a molecular focus and while on the pre-med track.

Eliana Cheng – I’m going to attend SVA in New York for design.

Xiqun Cheng – I will attend the University of California, Berkeley and go into the College of Letters and Science.

Brevin Cherryholmes

Jordan Christensen – I plan on going to Kirkwood in Iowa City for a year or two and then eventually transferring to Iowa.

Grace Christopher – In the fall, I plan to attend Saint Olaf in Northfield, Minnesota to study psychology with a focus on child development.

Cristina Cinotto – I’m going to go back to Italy and graduate there, too. After my second graduation, I’ll study art in London.

Mashaun Clark-VandenBerg

Mitchell Clements

Jazlyn Colon – I plan on studying criminal justice at Kirkwood and transferring to the University of Iowa to finish my bachelor’s degree. I want to be a juvenile correctional officer or a police officer.

Rory Connolly

Will Conrad – Finding the 15 books I owe to the West High library and launching a rap career to pay off my fines.

Ryan Cooper – University of Iowa engineering.

Elijah Cox

Heather Craig – I will be attending the University of Iowa to double major in dance and business.

Emily Cray – I will attend the University of Iowa, where I will be on the pre-med track and major in business analytics.

Ivan Cross

Kalynn Culver – Attending University of Iowa and majoring in biology on the genetics track.

Nicu Curtu – I will be majoring in business and economics at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.


Olivia Dachtler – I plan on majoring in business analytics and management at the University of Iowa.

Frances Dai – Biomedical engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.

Sadia Daoud

Jack Davenport – ROTC at Iowa. I will study health and human physiology, possible prePA.

Nathaniel De Leon Gonzalez

Caitlyn Dedic

Katherine Deninger

Jack Dickens

Rachel Ding – I’ll be shedding the winter coat and studying (potentially) bioengineering at Caltech, so go beavers!

Lauren Ditch

JoTraveous Dixon – I will be enlisting into the Army Reserve.

Griffin Dodds

Selom Doke

Sam Dolinsek – The crippling reality of adulthood.

Miriam Dominguez

Drew Donovan

Eric Doorn – I will be attending Calvin College to study chemical engineering.

Jessica Doyle – I’ll be studying nursing at the University of Iowa.

Lauren Dreusicke – An awesome summer, then heading to the University of Iowa to major in pre-physical therapy. Go Hawks!!

ReJoana Duah – I’m going to Temple University in Philadelphia.

Thomas Duong – I will be attending the University of Iowa to major in neuroscience and percussion performance (or maybe journalism).

Emma Durian – I will be attending the University of Northern Iowa where I plan to major in elementary education. Go Panthers!

Robbie Duys – Going to Iowa State to do engineering things.

Amber Dyson – I am going to go to the University of Iowa to major in psychology and later on go into the social work program.


Brody Eads

Spencer Ehrman

Hafiza El-Zein – I will go to TSC after graduation.

Dante Eldridge – Play basketball at William Penn University.

Morgan Ellerman – I will attend the University of Iowa with an interest in either biomedical or chemical engineering.

Fatma (Fatima) Elmaleh

Maissa Elobeid


Ramey Fahal

Rachel Falduto – I plan to attend Northwest Missouri State University, where I will be majoring in elementary education.

William Feng – I will go to Carleton to study psychology.

Michael Fisher

Nicole Fitzpatrick – Going to Luther for nursing through direct admission.

Grace Fleckenstein – I will attend the University of Iowa to major in psychology and minor in Spanish.

Nicholas Fleckenstein

Olivia Fletcher – I will be attending the University of Iowa and I plan on studying engineering.

Maddy Floss – I will be attending the University of Iowa as an open major, but I have declared an interest in public health.

Anna Forbes – I plan on attending Kirkwood and majoring in elementary education with a minor in special ed.

Crystal Franco – Classes for CNA.

Peyton Freeney – I will be studying film at NYU.

Kyle Frei

Robbie Frerichs

Nolan Fuhrmeister

Marah Fuller – I will be attending Brigham Young University to study chemical engineering and live life to the fullest.


Michael Gaffey

Haley Gallagher

Ryan Gamble – Going to the U of I for management and international relations. Someday I want to run a non-profit somewhere in a struggling country.

Maria Gamon – I will attend the University of Northern Iowa with an interest in music education: vocal track.

Madison Ganoe – I will be attending the University of Iowa with a major in medical laboratory science.

Ting Gao – I will be studying English and creative writing in college in preparation for a career as a writer in the future.

Jalen Gaudet

Hannah Gaul

Alexander Geasland

Emma Gehlbach – I will be attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities to study biology and neuroscience with the intention of becoming a doctor.

Dylan Gesell – I will be going to Iowa State University with an interest in engineering as well as biology.

Samuel Gienapp

Grace Gilbaugh – After graduation, I plan on attending Kanakuk Link Year.

Preston Gingerich – College at Iowa.

Ian Gluesing – Going to Iowa State for computer science.

Sean Gomendoza – Attending the University of Iowa on the pre-med track w/a biochemistry major.

Alexandria Goodale

Olivia Goodwin

Avrill Gratton – After graduation plans? A work in progress.

Jarod Green

Landon Green

Jacob Greenlee – Double majoring in BS engineering (undecided) and BA music at the University of Iowa.

Gracie Greer – I’m planning on attending the University of Iowa with a double major in psychology and criminology, law and justice and a minor in military science.

Kolby Greiner – I will be attending Bradley University to run competitively and acquire my MBA while minoring in entrepreneurship.

Ryan Gudenkauf – Going to Iowa to study human physiology and then go to physical therapy school.

Lydia Guo – I will attend the University of Iowa with a major in human physiology on a pre-med track. When not stressing about biochemistry, I will quench my thirst for knowledge through studies of bubble teaology and fulfill my lifelong goal of being a boba connoisseur.

Brenden Guthmiller-Stevenson – I will attend the University of Iowa with an interest in business.

Antonio Gutierrez – Car detailing.


McKenna Haag – I plan to go to Kirkwood to complete all of my gen-ed classes and then to the University of Iowa to major in elementary education.

Kat Hagan – A year abroad in France and then coming back to the states for college.

Joshua Halverson

Leen Hamza

Raginya Handoo – I am going to the University of Iowa to study pre-medicine and hopefully become a doctor. Ahahaha we will see how that goes.

Anna Haney – I will be attending the University of Iowa.

Hailee Hardin

Hannah Harney – I will be attending Kirkwood Community College.

Caroline Harper – I will be attending Wartburg College, majoring in history with a concentration in museum studies, as well as minoring in leadership, business and religion.

Alexandra Harvey – I will be attending Iowa State University to study software engineering and cyber security.

Xya Hatley

Katelyn Havel

Morgan Hawkins – I will attend Iowa State University where I will major in management and marketing.

Tanner Heiar – Going to work for Iowa Concrete.

Trinity (Tyler) Heil

Grace Heller – I will be attending the University of Glasgow in Scotland next year. I will be studying history and will be focusing on textile and fashion history.

Makenna Hendrickson – I will attend the University of Iowa to study radiation sciences.

Christopher Hingtgen – Kirkwood.

Kennedy Hochstedler

Lucas Holley

William Holmes

Hayden Holst

Chloe Holt

Conner Hopkins

Alexis House – I will be attending Kirkwood Community College to study human resources and early childhood education.

Emma Howes – I will attend the University of Iowa with an open major.

Jordan Hughes Jr. – I’m going to Kirkwood to get my associate’s degree to become a veterinary technician.

Olivia Hunt

Anjali Huynh – I’ll be attending Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia to major in political science and hopefully not die of heat stroke.


Deniz Ince – I’ll be attending Yale University to probably study biochem and Spanish as disguises of my true majors: running and pizza consumption.


Joshua Jasek

Philippe Jay – I plan on attending the EPFL in Switzerland majoring in economics and mathematics.

Emma Jennings

Devontae Johnson

Diante Johnson

Nick Johnson

Quintin Jones

Simon Jones – Inhale a bunch of Panda Express and try to make some money. While I’m at it, die.

Keirsten Jordan


Fatima Kammona – Kirkwood two years. Iowa two years. Arranged marriage life.

Laurel Kelley Fischer – I will be going to Kirkwood to study interior design.

Ainsley Kellogg

Veronica Kharunda

Sidney Kiersch – I will study graphic design at Iowa State University. Over the summer I will be working and spending as much time with family and friends in Iowa City before moving to Ames in the fall.

Crystal Kim – I will be attending the University of Iowa to study psychology and economics.

Connor King

Jacob Klein – I will be attending Kirkwood University.

Aubree Klink – I am going to Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, North Carolina to study nursing.

Molly Klutts – I will be attending the University of Iowa to study therapeutic recreation with an emphasis in child life, eventually hoping to become a child life specialist.

Emma Koch – Next year, I plan to attend Dartmouth College to study engineering and to play basketball.

Hunter Kopf

Ellie Kouba – I am heading to West Lafayette, Indiana to attend Purdue University where I will major in UX design with a minor in web development! BOILER UP!

Sidney Kout – I will be attending Iowa State University to major in hospitality management and event planning.

Noah Krchak – I’ll be attending the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa and will be majoring in computer science and engineering.

Coleson Krupp – College.

Joey Kuehn – Attending University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Brandon Kuenster

Taylore Kuenster – Going to UNI, and I plan to get my master’s degree in psychology to become a mental health therapist.

Jared Kula – I plan on attending Kirkwood and then transferring to the University of Iowa to study political science.


Avery Lawler – University of Iowa to study elementary education. Go Hawks!

Sebontu Lema – College.

John Li – University of Southern California.

Aaron Lidral – Go to Iowa.

Weijie Lin – I will go to Kirkwood and study culinary arts.

George Liu – I will be studying some kind of engineering at Northeastern University in Boston.

sAva Locher – I will attend the U of I, majoring in speech pathology and audiology and minoring in linguistics.

Mitchel Locher

Devlin Lockman – I’ll be going to Iowa State University to major in biochemistry.

Kaila Loew – I am attending Iowa State University with a double major in fashion designing and Japanese.

Mary Longmire – I am going to Kirkwood and majoring in dental hygiene.

Evelyn Lopez

Garcia Isisah Love

Xarminto Lubuelo – College football.

Madelyn Luegering – I am attending the University of Iowa.


Cole Mabry – I will be attending the United States Military Academy at West Point to get an education, play football and then serve this great nation.

Trevor Mallard – Join the workforce.

Pedro Marra – I am really excited to attend the University of Iowa as a biomedical sciences major with the goal of becoming a medical doctor.

Kiah Martin – Studying psychology and criminal justice at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Noah Martinez

Casey Marvin – I’m going to the University of Iowa for pre-pharmacy.

Ruby Massey

Stany Masumbuko

Austen Mattingly – Astrophysics and music.

Owen McAreavy

Kiel McBrearty

Patrick McCaffery – Go to the University of Iowa, study sports management and play basketball.

Caleb McCall – I will be attending Kirkwood Community College then transferring to Iowa.

Noah McCarragher

Lucas McCool

Matthew McDonnell

Maggie McGlaughlin

Diego Medina Ochoa – My next step after graduation is to go to Kirkwood to study my profession for three years, and then I will move to the University of Iowa. Also, I will work during my vacations, so I will study more and work because I need money.

Noah Meints – Attending Kirkwood for two years to study education. After the two years, become a Marine Corps officer.

Lily Meng – I will be attending Northwestern University and plan on majoring in neuroscience and finally fulfill my High School Musical dreams of being a wildcat.

Akrem (Akram) Mergani

Stephany Meza

Blake Miller – College at Iowa City Kirkwood.

Emma Miller – I will attend the University of Iowa State with an undecided major.

Haley Miller – I’m heading to Luther College to major in elementary education and hopefully becoming a kindergarten teacher!! 

Katelyn Miller

Ruth Miller

Trent Miller

Samuel Mitchell

Vivian Mitchell – I will be attending the University of Minnesota with a plan to study psychology or neuroscience. Next year, I hope to still being playing tennis, and I also want to get more involved with my community.

Sarah Moenning – I will attend the University of Iowa next fall with an interest in speech and hearing sciences! GO HAWKS!

Ariana Moffett – I plan on going to college and becoming a registered nurse.

Aibeer Mohamed

Esraa Mohamed

Aymen Mohammed

Tanner Mohr

Madison Molina

James Mons – I will be attending the University of Northern Iowa to major in music education and minor in jazz studies.

Alexis Moore – I will be attending Iowa State University and majoring in dietetics.

Zac Moore – I plan to attend Kirkwood Community College studying criminal justice. I will then transfer my credits to the University of Iowa.

Cailyn Morgan – I will attend the University of Northern Iowa, studying in either child psychology or elementary education.

Anna Moses

Brendan Mott

Ryleigh Mulcahey – I’m going to Iowa to study chemistry and environmental science on the chemistry track. I plan to be a materials scientist/chemist, and I want to have a focus in environmentally focused product building.

Mustafa Museme

Ahmed Mustafa 


Taylor Nadeau

Prisca Namutchibwe

Marijke Nielsen – I will be attending Iowa State University in the fall to study chemistry and participate in the Air Force ROTC program.

Elisa Nisly – I’ll be at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts studying … something.

Liz Nodia – I’m taking a gap year to volunteer and do some service work abroad, work and save money, get involved with organizations, among a few other things before heading into college!

Razan Nour

Samantha Nowotny – Kirkwood Community College.


Hanna O’Dell – Biochemistry at Iowa State University.

Sandrah Ochola – I will be pursuing a Bachelor in Fine Arts in dance at the Conservatory of Performing Arts at Point Park University in Pittsburgh with a modern concentration.

Madeline Ohl – I’ll be attending Williams College in Massachusetts to major in chemistry/biology/something science-y.

Rachel Olson – I’ll be weaseling around at the University of Iowa. This city loves me. I can’t leave just yet.

Garion Opiola

Maria Osman – I’m going to the University of Iowa to study international studies with a human rights track.

Claire Overton


Nidhiben (Nidhi) Patel

Sophia Perniciaro – I will attend the University of Iowa with an interest in accounting or elementary education and a minor in Russian. But I am also interested in teaching ELL.

Gabriel Peters

Thomas Peters

Zachary Peterson

Logan Pfannebecker – Going to Iowa State University for agricultural engineering.

Maggie Pfannebecker

Alexander (Alex) Pierce

Jonathan Pierce – Get a job and attend Kirkwood for my gen eds.

Ben Pizzimenti – I will be playing junior hockey.

Lucy Polyak – I’ll attend Grinnell College for the next four years double majoring in theatre and history, with a concentration in American studies. I’m hoping to keep performing, so catch me on SNL someday (lol fingers crossed).

Mitchell Pottratz

Ian Prescott – I will be attending Kenyon College in the fall to major in art history.



Jackson Raffensperger

Toni Ralph – Working on my art career.

Michael Rash

Ryan Reese – Probably just work.

Maddy Reid – Next year I will be attending the University of Iowa. I am hoping to be accepted into the nursing program. My goal is to eventually become a nurse practitioner!

Glenda Reighard – I’m attending Coe College and plan on double majoring in psychology and neuroscience. Other than that, who knows what’s next?

Angela Reis – I’m attending the University of Iowa with an interest in elementary education.

Samantha Reis – I plan on attending the University of Iowa with an interest in the health science field.

Marsean Rhodes

Rain Richards – Starting a cult and taking over the world.

Savanna Richter – Kirkwood for two years and then transfer to Iowa.

Coleman Riss

Diego Rivera – I’m planning on attending the U of I with a double major in business analytics and mathematics!

Madeleine Roberts-Ganim – I will be attending the University of Chicago to major in history and hopefully minor in French.

Frankie Rodriguez Morales

Danny Rompot – College life.

Kristina Rosebrook – I plan to attend Seattle University and major in humanities for teaching while minoring in creative writing and possibly a language. In the future I hope to teach in several different countries around the world and eventually publish a novel.

Ayanna Rost – I will attend the University of Northern Iowa for athletic training.

Corey Roth – I will be attending St. Ambrose University next year with my intended major being in the field of chemistry.

Joseph Runge

Quincy Russom


Breno Sader – After I graduate, I will be attending Cal Poly University with a major in architecture and minors in entrepreneurship and architectural engineering. I look forward to exploring the West Coast.

Yousif Salama – After graduation, I’m planning on attending Iowa State to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering.

Sanya Sami – My next four years will be spent studying biology and/or anthropology while on the pre-medicine track, most likely at Iowa (or maybe Cal, still can’t decide yikes).

Surbhi Saxena – I am going to Kirkwood.

Samantha Saylor – Going to University of Iowa.

Allie Schmitt-Morris – I’m going to Minnesota State Mankato to major in biology.

Addie Schroeder – I will be attending the University of Iowa as an open major.

Alexander Seemuth

Jacqueline Selemani – Attending Mount Mercy University.

Katie Severt – I will be attending Concordia University, Nebraska, continuing my track career and majoring in exercise science.

Yangtian Shangguan – I plan to study biology at Northwestern University.

Mohammad Sharairi

Keshawn Shaw – I will be attending Iowa Central next year and will continue to cheer and participate in musical theater.

Sidney Shephard

Mitchell Shepherd

Emily Shie – I will be attending the University of Iowa as a physical therapy major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Alec Shifflett

Jonathan Shilyansky

Sam Shin – Attend UIUC for an engineering degree.

Maddi Shinall – I plan on attending Grinnell College and majoring in political science with a concentration in economics and/or statistics. Vote #Shinall2036!!

Merci Sikitu – My future plans are to go to Mount Mercy and study to become a registered nurse.

Nick Silva – Bye, Iowa, DKU ‘23.

Christopher (Darnell) Simpson

Tysen Skopec

Claudia Smith – Going to the University of Iowa College of Engineering to major in mechanical engineering.

Nabrinah Sonii

Lucas Sorensen – Obtaining my four year business degree.

Mason Sorge

William Sparks – Get a career involving either science and math or psychology.

Keaton Speicher

Kyle Spence

Anna Staib – I will be studying computer science at Bradley University, more specifically game development and design.

Sophie Stephens – I will be attending the University of Missouri to study journalism with a minor in English. I will then live out my life as Andy from “The Devil Wears Prada.”

Peyton Steva – Running track and pursuing my teaching degree.

Maxwell Stevens

Andrew Stewart

Daniel Stewart – I’m gonna go to MIT. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Something mathy. Be happy. Something like that?

Victoria Stielow

Nick Stilwell – I will attend Drake University, and I plan on majoring in Music and English.

Taylor Streck

Jason Strunk – Play baseball at the next level!

Baraa Suleiman – I will be attending the University of Iowa and majoring in finance on a pre-medical track.

James (Jonny) Sullivan

Hang Sun

Samuel Sunderland

Anastasia Surguladze – I will attend the University of Iowa and major in biology on a pre-med track, with a minor in visual arts.

Alexander Swack


Ameen Taha

Jacob Tarkelly

Winfred Tembea

Liam Terry – I am going to Holy Cross in Massachusetts to study finance.

Jonah Terwilleger – I will be attending the University of Iowa with the intention of studying English education and minor in sign language.

Noah Terwilleger – Engineering major at Iowa State University.

Gokul Thangavel – I will be attending Iowa with a major in biology and informatics.

Justin Thomas – Central College for finance and playing football.

Quinn Thomas – In the immortal words of Gunsmoke, “I’m going to Get Outta Dodge.” I will be attending Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

Maddy Thompson – I will be going to Iowa State University for environmental engineering.

Skylor (Sky) Tinnes

Alex Tomes – I will be attending Coe College in Cedar Rapids with an interest in pre engineering and computer science.

Maggie Towler – I will be attending the University of Iowa and majoring in psychology.

Gabriel Trappe

Isabella Trevitt – I will be attending Kirkwood Community College and majoring in criminal justice.

Mariana Trujillo-Chaparro – Going to Kirkwood Community College to study business management to become a project manager, and I am going to be working at the same time.

Valeriy (Val) Trussov

Abigail Turnbull – Attending the University of Iowa with an open major.


Lauren Upchurch – Will attend the University of Iowa.

Victoire Ushindi – I am planning on getting a job this summer, then go to college when school starts.


Mary Vander Weg – I will be betraying my Iowa City roots by attending Iowa State University, most likely majoring in English.

Marnie Vonderhaar – I will attend the University of Iowa to study human physiology. In the future, I hope to study either physical therapy or go into med school.

Krisha Vyas – I will be attending the University of Iowa and majoring in psychology with a pre-med track.


Kara Wagenknecht – I will attend the University of Colorado Boulder and plan on majoring in journalism and minor in sports media… SKO BUFFS!!

MaKayla Waite – Starting off at Kirkwood and then moving on to the University of Iowa to go into Human Services! I’m so excited!

Maya Wald – I will be attending the University of Iowa with an interest in majoring in elementary education and maybe a minor in theater.

Julian Wallace

Grant Walter

Alan Wang

Grace Wang – I’m attending the University of Iowa with an open major to consume boba with Lydia Guo.

Joella Wankana Makiese – I am going to college.

Sophie Waterman Hines – Majoring in computer science at Iowa State.

Amelia Watson – I will attend the University of Iowa majoring in psychology. I hope to transfer after a year.

Anna Weckerlin – I’m attending the University of Iowa as an open major with an end goal of pursuing a career in the health sciences. Go Hawks!

Jack Wenzel – I will attend Wheaton College and major in business/economics. I also plan to play tennis for Wheaton at the Division Three level.

Joe Westemeyer – Attend the University of Iowa and hustle.

Harry Westergaard – I’ll be attending the University of Iowa to study cinema arts and English.

Griffin Whitehead

Nathan Wilkinson

Kaia Williams – To study in early childhood education.

Mar Quay Williams

Chance Wilson

Eddie Wilson – I’m going to Iowa State to study computer science and still be able to have friends around.

Josh Wombacher-Hess

Rhoda Wonlebaye

Ashton Woods – I’m going to study in a convent and drink goat milk.

Taymon Wright

Shamar Wyatt


Daniel Xiong

Yicheng (Cann) Xu


Aidan Yamashita

Brina Yoder

Caroline Young – I will be attending the University of Iowa to major in criminal justice and psychology on the pre-law track. My weekends will be spent doing goat yoga and llama therapy 😉

Esam Yousif

Steven Yuan – I will attend Duke University to study statistical science and economics with a concentration in finance.


Lauren Zacharias – I will be attending Wayne State College in Nebraska to play basketball, and I currently plan on majoring in criminal justice.

Jenna Zeng – I will be living it up in NYC while attending NYU.

Charles Zheng – I will be studying computer science with a minor in arthropodology at St. Harvard Tech.

Cade Zschiesche