Muggle quidditch is creating magic outside of the wizarding world and bringing it to our very own backyards. While the winter weather has brought a bit of a break for these players, they make sure they don’t get rusty on their Harry Potter knowledge. The WSS quizzed Meredith Cullen ’14, Emily Culver ’14, Mandy Rosse ’14 and Lily Pypes ’14 on snitches, fouls and of course, Weasleys. Here’s what they know, and what we can use for that next game of Trivia Pursuit.
What position does Viktor Krum play?
Mandy Rosse ’14: Viktor Krum is seeker.
Meredith Cullen ’14: Viktor is the seeker on Bulgaria’s quidditch team.
Who created the first snitch?
Rosse ’14: Some Wright guy.
Cullen ’14: Bowman Wright created the first snitch.
What is the significance of the snitch Dumbledore gives to Harry in the last book?
Rosse ’14: It was the first snitch he ever caught, it has a flash memory and has ‘I open at the close’ enscribed in it, and it contains the resurrection stone that brings back dead loved ones.
Cullen ’14: The snitch given to Harry holds the resurrection stone, one of the deathly hallows.
Recite the ‘Weasley is our king’ song.
Cullen ’14: Well the Slytherin version is ‘Weasley cannot save a thing he cannot block a single ring that’s why Slytherins all sing Weasley is our king. Weasley was born in a bin and always lets the quaffle in, that’s why the Slytherins all sing Weasley is our king. Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king, Weasley will make sure we in, Weasley is our king.’ Now the Gryffindor version is ‘Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king, he didn’t let the quaffle in, Weasley is our king. Weasley can save anything; Weasley never leaves a single ring, that’s why the Gryffindors all say Weasley is our king.’
Rosse ’14: I don’t remember.
Name all the players and their positions on the Gryffindor team in Harry’s first year.
Cullen ’14: Oliver Wood was keeper and captain, the chasers were Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson and the beaters were Fred and George Weasley. Harry was the seeker.
In how many ways can you commit a foul?
Cullen ’14: There are 700 ways to commit a foul, and there has only been one match in history where all 7000 fouls were committed.
Rosse ’14: About 700. I wish I knew them all.
Who is your favorite quidditch player?
Cullen ’14: I think Oliver Wood is the best because he is very enthusiastic and an intense captain, but he’s very good and he always keeps his team in line.
What is the hardest position to play in the muggle version of Quidditch?
Emily Culver ’14: I think snitch is the hardest position to play because people are chasing you for a really long time and you have to run all over.
Cullen ’14: The hardest position in muggle quidditch is the snitch because you have to run and hide and avoid being caught by the other seekers. It takes a lot of creativity to not be caught by the seekers.
Rosse ’14: The hardest position in muggle quidditch would probably be the chaser because you’re running the entire time which gets exhausting and if you throw the bludger (a large, rubber dodgeball) and miss, you then have to chase it down. It gets really tiring.
Which quidditch match is your favorite, out of all the matches?
Lilly Pypes ’14: My favorite is the one where you never see it but Harry and Hermione are in the forest and Ron Weasley wins the game for everyone and so they all sing ‘Weasley is our King’ It’s my favorite because I like Ron Weasley, and he did a good job.
Cullen ’14: My favorite match was Harry’s first one in his first year because he ended up catching the snitch in his mouth and almost choked on it. But he was so shocked and nervous and he realized then how good of a player he was.