Weird excuses teachers get from students

Teachers tell us the most unusual excuses for not completing an assignment they get from students here at West.

You walk into the classroom, sit down and put your backpack on the ground. You look over to a friend who pulls out their folder and takes out last night’s homework. You suddenly remember the worksheet stuffed down in your backpack. You rifle through your belongings to see if you can quickly finish before class starts. The bell rings and the teacher walks in, asking everyone to pass up their homework assignment from last night and you sit there looking down when the teacher asks you, “Where’s the homework assignment?”  You sit there, on the spot, only a second to make up an excuse. “I left it on the table counter at home.”

Teachers don’t accept excuses, but that’s never stopped students from making them. Here are some of West High’s best–and wackiest– excuses:

Procrastination is an issue many people face in their lives, students are largely affected by procrastination and it’s hard to stop so here are some quick tips to get your life back on track.
