SPIT performs annual production

SPIT, a student-run theater group, performs annual comedy and drama plays Jan. 16 and 21.

Comedy leads act out one of the ten ways to survive the apocalypse

Abby McKeone, Graphics and Social Media Editor

Between the fall play and spring musical, the adult’s in the theatre department take time to recoup and turn the role of “director” over to a small group of students. On Jan. 16, Students Producing Innovative Theatre, better known as SPIT, performed two one-act plays. The drama, focused on the traumatic aftermath and effects of a school fire, contained eight students and was directed by seniors Teya Kerns and Emily Hill. The comedy, directed by Willa Martin ’20 and Erin-Leigh Moses ’20, was centered around ten unique ways to survive the apocalypse and also contained a live bunny and golden asteroid.

SPIT is entirely student run,  like any other production, requires dedication and hard work,

 “It is completely done by us. The acting, the tech, the props, the lighting.” Kerns said.

Paired with hard work is tech week, a period of time where students rehearse rigorously and perfect their performance as well background pieces such as lights and props. Leading up to tech week, each rehearsal lasts for two to three hours. During tech week, which lasts for two weeks, rehearsals are daily and last for two and a half hours.

Kerns also reflects back on the actors describing them as, “having so much natural talent, we ended up with people who were perfect for the parts we had. Everybody puts so much emotion into all the lines and movements.”

Drama actor, Schyuler Houston ‘21, agrees with Kerns, stating “I feel like we all fit our rolls pretty well,” Houston said. “It’s fun to see how we can interact with our characters.” 

Houston joined SPIT last year to step out of his comfort zone and learn to push himself in difficult rolls.

“I saw it as more of let yourself be you on stage, rather than fit into this perfect character,” Houston said.


Due to the inclement weather resulting in the cancelation of school on Friday, Jan. 17, the second showing of the performance will be held Tuesday, Jan. 21 instead. The show will begin around 7:00 pm and tickets can be bought at the door. SPIT also encourages the audience to bring canned or non-perishable donations for the West High Supply food donation.