School Newspapers Online recognizes West Side Story as a 2020 SNO Distinguished Site

Sara Whittaker

In this article, several WSS staffers offer up recommendations for shows to watch.

Each year School Newspapers Online offers student newspaper programs with outstanding journalism the opportunity to apply to become a SNO Distinguished Site, according to a press release from SNO. The West Side Story web staff earned this status for the fourth year in a row on Feb. 17 — becoming one of two schools in Iowa to receive this award.

Before awarding the title of SNO Distinguished Site, WSS earned online digital badges in the areas of site excellence, story page design, writing, multimedia, coverage and audience engagement. Representing what SNO sees as the six components of a modern news website, these six individual badges make up the SNO Distinguished Sites program. 

Natalie Dunlap ’20 is the online editor-in-chief. “’I’m really proud of the web staff for working together towards this goal of being a distinguished site. There are several different categories we needed to work on to earn this honor,” Dunlap said. “SNO clearly wants to see well rounded student publications, and it’s wonderful to be recognized as a quality website.”