UNICEF club to hold UNICEF Olympics
UNICEF Club will be hosting a charity fundraiser and community event, UNICEF Olympics, the week of May 16.
April 20, 2022
West High’s UNICEF Club will be hosting UNICEF Olympics, a charity fundraiser and community building event, the week of May 16. The event will take place after school and will feature events such as Ultimate Frisbee, Capture the Flag, Yoga Ball Soccer.
The club will offer prizes of $20, $30, and $50 Amazon Gift Cards for the top three individuals using a point scoring system. All the proceeds will be going to UNICEF’S humanitarian cause of helping children in need around the world. If interested in participating, sign up using this google form. The deadline to submit the form is May 8.
Contact Bivan Shrestha ’22 at bishr22@icstudents.org for any questions.