New face on the mat

Elijah Sullivan, a former graduate at West, is the new coach for the freshly sanctioned Iowa girls wrestling team here at West.

With the sanctioning of girls’ wrestling in Iowa, Iowa City West decided to induct a new coach for the team. Elijah Sullivan came to West with a positive attitude toward the job with high hopes. After graduating from West, taking off a couple of years of college and with the love of the sport, he ended up winding back at West to coach wrestling. One reason Sullivan stated for his decision was “…giving back to a sport that’s given me so many opportunities is really special to me.”

“It’s awesome being a part of a community that’s so rich in the wrestling field,” said Sullivan when asked about his thoughts on coaching. He was thrilled to be a part of the wrestling community in Iowa City. “The administrative, the alum, the families help out so much, makes my job so much easier.”

Sullivan spoke about the season so far brightly, “We’re a really young team, but wrestling is just a sport. It just takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to really improve in the sport.” Sullivan showed great pride in his team and the efforts they have put in throughout the winter. “All of these females come in day after day and really give one hundred percent every day, it makes my job a whole lot easier.” Even with the lack of wrestling background, many on the team have Sullivan points out he is rewarded when he sees “growth in an athlete, not just on the mat, but also in the classroom.”

One of Sullivan’s successes this year is through his athletes, “From seeing a girl whos super timid on the first day of practice, to feeling self confident out on the mat, and not afraid to go battle it out with another female from another wrestling program makes me feel very successful as a coach” 

Elijah Sullivan may be new to West’s coaching staff, but his empowerment and empathy for his athletes are already apparent on the team.