By Megumi Kitamoto
On March 8 2013, many students were sitting in a chair with an IV in their arms in the auditorium lobby, incarnadine streams flowing into collection bags. These students are donating their blood to the patients of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics through the DeGowin Blood Drive.
This biannual blood drive happens each spring and fall, garnering 25 participants this time around.
Among the first-time donors was Jordan Stern ’15.
“[I found out about the blood drive] through my mom and her friends, and they all said it was painless,” Stern said.
While donating blood for the first time, Maggie Ferrel ’14
“[I donated blood because] I just thought that it was something worth doing,” Ferrel said.
However, Caitlin Alexander ’13 is an experienced blood donor and says there are many benefits.
“This is my third time donating, and [I like] how it helps other people,” Alexander said.
As she was walking out of the auditorium lobby, Alex Aaberg ’15 gave a piece of advice.
“Take it slowly, and follow the nurse’s advice,” Aaberg said.