Business Professionals of America compete at the State Leadership Conference
This past weekend Business Professionals of America (BPA) traveled to Des Moines, Iowa to compete in the State Leadership Conference. The qualifying competitors will move on to nationals in Dallas, Texas.
Many West High students traveled to Des Moines to compete in the State Leadership Conference. Photo courtesy of Abbie Weipert.
February 28, 2018
Each year, West High’s Business Professionals of America travel to the state conference in Des Moines. This year, many of the competing students placed and will move on to Dallas, Texas for nationals. Group leader Diane Fickel said she was very pleased with how the students performed this year.
“This year we had twenty-five students qualified for nationals, last year we qualified eighteen,” she said.
Last year, Joe Briddle ‘18 was elected state officer, while this year Jason Strunk ‘19 and Maddy Luegering ‘19 were elected for positions. Fickel has high hopes for these students, among the other qualifiers.
“I would like to take home at least two National Place finishers this year,” she said. “The competition is very stiff, but we are well prepared.”
Fickel said she believes that BPA is a program that strengthens students in a unique way.
The State Conference placements are as listed below:
Elected New Iowa President: Jason Strunk
Elected New Iowa VP: Maddy Luegering
Financial Analyst Team State Champs: Claire Lynch & Lydia Youngquist
Video Production Team State Champs: Margaret Liu, Alexandra Carlon & Sara Baroncini
Website Design Team State Champs: Sophia Perniciaro & Ryan Gamble
Financial Math State Champ: Serena Cheng
Interview Skills: Jason Strunk – State Champ, Joe Briddle – Second Place
Human Resource Management State Champ: Anna Jacoby
Presentation Management Independent State Champ: Isabella Hoeger-Pinto
Java Programming State Champ: Grant Anderson
Presentation Management Team Second Place: Luis Mercado, Grace Heller & Jirah Massaki
Global Marketing Team Second Place: Conner Hopkins & Ryan Braverman
Broadcast Team Second Place: Izabel Houselog & Ally Halverson
Economic Individual Research Second Place: Even Heller
Prepared Speech Second Place: Jordan Bailey
Advanced Interview Skills Third Place: Morgan Hawkins
Management/Marketing/HR Third Place: Hannah Luce
Business Marketing Management Fourth Place: Liam Terry
Payroll Account Fifth Place: Lydia Youngquist
Personal Financial Management Fifth Place: Grant Anderson