We want YOU to join the West Side Story staff!
Check out this video, made by Grant Leonard, featuring the WSS staff. If you want to be a part of the WSS in the future, here’s what you need to do:
-Sign up for Intro. to Newspaper for next year if you want to be a writer, designer or have a leadership position on staff.
-Sign up for Photo in the art department if you want to be a photographer on staff (and/or take Intro. to Newspaper).
-Create a portfolio and apply for next year’s staff if you want to be a staff artist, video editor or website developer. Applications will be available at sarajanewhittaker.com in a few months.
Note: Artists, photographers, video editors and website developers are not required to take Intro. to Newspaper if they have equivalent experience in their field. However, many of our current artists, photographers, video editors, etc. did take Intro. to Newspaper. Additionally, all students are required to apply to be on the newspaper staff and require teacher permission. Stop by room 109 if you have questions or send Ms. Whittaker an email at [email protected].