Third trimester will bring AFT change

The adjusted schedule added minutes to Academic Focus Time. In third trimester, students will be assigned new teachers for the study time.

Natalie Dunlap, Online Editor-in-Chief

The administration has added time onto Academic Focus Time (AFT) to make the school day longer, making up for hours lost during the polar vortex. Administrators landed on this solution because adding several minutes to AFT seemed more valuable than adding a minute to all class periods.

Another change has been made to the study time for third trimester: the teachers. In the past, student’s AFT teachers have automatically been their sixth hour teachers as well, with students and teachers having the option to request each other on a day-to-day basis using FlexiSched.

For third trimester, AFT has it’s own section in PowerSchool and students have been assigned teachers unrelated to their sixth period instructors. The reason a student has been assigned to a particular teacher is either because the teacher has requested them to be in their AFT or because the student has that teacher at some point in the day.

“Students will be assigned to an AFT teacher unless they are 11th and 12th graders who have both have an open period 7th and indicated that they will leave campus,” Principal Gregg Shoultz explained in an email.

Students will still have the option to request teachers with FlexiSched if they aren’t assigned to a particular teacher.

“We hope to provide a better, more productive AFT period for both students and teachers,” Shoultz said.