Students protest against racial injustices
IC West students protest against racism following a racist social media that brought attention to racism at West. The incident was followed with a meeting by Principal Mitch Gross in hopes to resolve the issue.
November 13, 2021
On Monday, Nov. 8 students marched through the halls chanting and protesting against racial injustices at West High. The protest was spurred by a racist video from a student on social media over the weekend. The protest continued through Nov. 9th with students wearing signs showing support of the BLM movement. Protest co-organizer DeAsia Lewis ’24 and participant Lana Ahmed ’23 share their thoughts on the incident as well as what actions they want to be taken by administrators. They discuss some of the racist experiences they’ve had at West as well as how they would like their teachers to treat their Black students in the future. In response to these events, Principal Mitch Gross explains three actionable steps the district plans on taking.