Newly formatted MLK day rescheduled

This year MLK day will consist of informational sessions sponsored by the district directly rather than sessions organized by teachers.


Mishka Mohamed Nour

Schedule of sessions students will be participating on MLK day on Thursday at West High School posted on a cite devolved by the district.

Mishka Mohamed Nour, Profiles Editor

Every year since 2014, West High honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King with a day full of activities and sessions that are inspirational and educational related to Dr. King, as well as public services events. 

However, this year this day will be different. The majority of the sessions are no longer organized by teachers or volunteers from the community, but rather by the ICCSD district. Students will start their day in their third-period classes where they will participate in activities and listen to guest speakers. Attendance will be taken by all teachers during the day. 

MLK day was originally projected to be on Thursday, Jan. 20, at its normal yearly time, but due to the extremely cold temperatures, ICCSD schools were canceled and MLK day was postponed to the first Thursday in March.

There will be two keynote speakers, Dr. Michael Benitez Jr. and Doug Christie, Sacramento Kings Assistant Coach leading ‘A Dream Involved- Building Legacies for 21st Century America’ and ‘Team up For Change’ respectfully. 

However, after lunch, students will have the opportunity to choose to participate in six different small sessions either virtually or organized within the school or remain in their third-period class to watch a documentary named Step