
WSS writer Sin Luena ’25 writes and shares personal experiences about aseuxality.

Asexuality isn’t heard of quite as much as other sexualities, why is that? Of course, it gets recognized because of the letter ‘A’ in LGBTQIA, even so, the A is often mistaken for Ally. Sometimes the A is cut off, only saying ‘LGBTQ+’. Other than that, there isn’t much coverage on it. It’s often overlooked by other sexualities, as being asexual is lacking sexual feelings, rather than being sexually attracted to certain genders, meaning there isn’t a lot to celebrate with. This is also strengthened by the fact that only 1-4% of the reported population are ace.

Sometimes, asexual people are even disgusted by the thought of anything sexual, in contrast aromanticy is not feeling romatic attraction to anyone. Frequently, people confuse asexuality with aromanticy, thinking they are two peas in a pod, or a package deal. Of course, there are people who are aro-ace, who lack sexual and romantic attraction, but identifying as one doesn’t mean you identify as the other. Asexuality is a spectrum, but can also be used as a title. 

Asexuality is a spectrum, but can also be used as a title

— Sin Luena '25

Being asexual, there wasn’t anything that I had thought was wrong with me. Because growing up, sexualities weren’t taught in my household, nor were they taught in schools, so I couldn’t pinpoint who/what I was for the longest time. The LGBTQ+ community was something I had familiarized with in middle school. Before that, I knew quite a few members of the LGBTQ+ community, such as my trans aunt, my language arts teacher in middle school, and a couple bisexual friends. I did identify with these people for a long time; however I used the label ‘omnisexual’, which is being pansexual but with a preference. It wasn’t until the summer before ninth grade that I realized there was something missing. A feeling everyone else had been talking about that I couldn’t seem to relate to. This feeling came with puberty, and it was sexual feelings. 

Most partners think of or want sex in a relationship. However, I didn’t. Relationship or not, I had never really thought about others in a sexual matter, no matter how slimy the dirty jokes I said were. Sex isn’t something I think about, it isn’t something that matters to me. Finding out that people genuinely have these feelings, and that sometimes they act upon them surprised me the most. 

Even so, this didn’t make me feel like the odd one out, as I have and had befriended people who were and still are asexual, some people are open, some are not. Always know that there are others who have the same experiences as you, and if you need someone to talk to about asexuality, you can reach out to me, or take a look at this article that explains asexuality extremely well Understanding Asexuality.