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The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

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Jules Keranen
Jules Keranen
Entertainment Editor

(they/them) Jules is a senior and this is their second year on the West Side Story. They are the entertainment editor for the online publication. After school they spend most of the time with their cat,...

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Boys soccer advances with win against Dubuque Senior High

Winning 4-2, the Trojans will continue on in the championship season.

The boys soccer substate game took place at West High’s Ed Barker field on May 20 against the Dubuque Senior Rams. West High, ranked number one, was favored to win against the Rams, ranked number 30.

Halfway through the first half, the Rams were leading 2-0 when Ismail Mohamed ’26 scored the first goal from inside the box, giving a much-needed morale boost to the team. Riding off of the energy, Daniel Fuentes ’25 dribbled through defenders to score another goal with five minutes left, leaving the game tied 2-2 at halftime. 

The Rams met the Trojans with a strong defense after the break, with the Trojans being unable to score another goal for the first twenty minutes of the second half. Trojan goalie Jacob Gillian ’24 saved three near goals, swiftly putting the ball back with West. 

Zein Abu-Hijleh ’24 scored the first goal of the second half, navigating around the Ram defense to raise the score in the Trojans’ favor, 3-2. As the game continued, West managed to keep the ball away from their goal, playing a strong defense, with Caden Crabtree ’25 manning the back line. 

With around six minutes left in the game, Fuentes found an opening on the left side, flying the ball past the Rams’ goalie to score his second goal of the night and definitively giving the Trojans the win, with the score being 4-2. 

The Rams were unable to find an opening, and the game ended in a Trojan win, with a final score of 4-2. 

The Trojans will now advance to the 4A-4 championship against sixth-ranked Dubuque Hempstead on May 22. 

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About the Contributor
Josephine Schwartz
Josephine Schwartz, Photo Editor
(She/they) Josie Schwartz is a junior, and this is her second year on staff, but her first year in Broadcast. She’s a photographer and a reporter. In her free time, she grapples with the extreme pressure of being right all the time. She also likes to listen to music.
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