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West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

Last advice

West seniors share advice they would give their pre-high school selves and current underclassmen.
McKenna Stephens
Class of 2024 members give advice to their pre-high school selves and underclassmen.

“Life in high school is way better when you stop caring what everybody thinks. It doesn’t matter if you are pretty or popular or funny or whatever; literally nobody cares. Chill out, and you will be way better off. Also, don’t take calculus,”

Kiera Holtkamp


“Get an initial ‘draft’ [of writing] done well before the due date so that you can thoroughly revise whatever you have done and make it as good as possible,”

Ankur Karandikar


“Communicate with your teachers; they are here for you no matter what,”

Amelia Douglas


“Take initiative. You’re making more of an impression on people than you think,”

Nicole Lee


“Don’t waste your time on something that makes you unhappy,”

Alana Eckstein 


“Don’t wait for the future to do what you want. Do it now,”

-Jocelyn Jacobsen 


“Life always works out in the end; take it one day at a time. By the end of your four years, you’ll find yourself where you need to be,” 

Andrew Dong


“Be kind to people; you never know what someone is going through,”

-Gabby Moniza

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About the Contributors
Lilly Graham
Lilly Graham, Print Managing Editor
(she/her) Lilly Graham is a senior at West, and this is her third year on staff. Lilly is the Managing Editor for the print edition. Outside of school, Lilly enjoys playing tennis and spending time with her friends and pets.
McKenna Stephens
McKenna Stephens, Designer, Photographer
(she/her) McKenna is a senior and this will be her second year on staff. She is a designer and photographer for WSS. McKenna is also involved in show choir, dance and theater.
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