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West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

Senior Stories

Seniors share memorable stories from their high school journey.
McKenna Stephens
West High seniors share their favorite stories.

Ameza Keita: “There was a [close] basketball game [sophomore year]. I was on the bench. We had a comeback — We were down 10 and then came back last quarter. [West’s] team had some big shots.”

Athra Li: “I remember I skipped class one time with friends and went downtown, and we got boba tea [at] Teamo Tea. I just remember [the tea] was actually good and also skipping class; don’t do it though.”

Sebastian Rutkowski: “We had a substitute in AP World in 10th grade, and we all sang Star Wars music in a capella for almost the entire period.”

Adrian Rodríguez: “[In] my junior year, I was taking Spanish V, the Seal of Biliteracy class. We were doing voluntary work for Ms. Stumpff where we went to an ELL class and aided the students academically with math and personally [by connecting] with them because they didn’t really know English. I think it was overall a positive experience that I learned a lot from. It marked me quite a lot because I feel like it’s very empowering to know that you can help people who have gone through the same things you have and that you can help them.”

Pranjal Paudel: “My favorite moment in high school was when I went to the [Peninsula Invitational] debate tournament freshman year. It just meant a lot because I didn’t have much confidence and kind of wanted to quit [debate], but then I ended up winning because I was too raw. It helped me cement my confidence in myself and it felt really nice to get the trophy in the mail and put it in my room.”

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About the Contributors
Kamakshee Kuchhal
Kamakshee Kuchhal, Lead Print Copy Editor
(she/her) Kamakshee Kuchhal is a senior at West High School and is super excited for her third (and last) year on West Side Story Print Staff. Besides being a writing and grammar nerd (lead copy editor), she is also a debater, volunteer, robotics-member and older sister among many other things.
McKenna Stephens
McKenna Stephens, Designer, Photographer
(she/her) McKenna is a senior and this will be her second year on staff. She is a designer and photographer for WSS. McKenna is also involved in show choir, dance and theater.
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