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The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

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Zoe Smith 24
Zoe Smith

(she/her) Zoe Smith is a senior and entering her third and final year on staff. She is so excited to be this year's Web Editor-in-Chief. Although you can usually find her in the newsroom; you may also...

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Procrastination and Senioritis

An art piece about senioritis and procrastination.

When you’re a sophmore, junior, heck even a freshman you get told all sorts of jokes about “Senioritis” and you brush them off as silly jokes. “Yeah right, ‘Senioritis’ it’s just one last year it can’t be that bad” that’s how I felt about senioritis. I thought it was a dumb joke made up by adults to tease the younger generations. I could not have been more wrong. Now everyone’s Highschool Senior experience is different but for me, I procrastinated way more than I thought I would. Maybe not as much as I did during Quarentine, but definitly a lot. Senioritis is real and it can be bad, especially if you are like me and have a bit of a perfectionist streak. A little advice, nothing’s ever going to be perfect the sooner you get that drilled into your head the better. Something I better than turning in nothing. If all you have is a something and it’s terrible. That something is better than turning in nothing and getting an F. As they say “C’s get degrees”. Anyway, I made this piece originally for an article about AI, I never really finished that article so it never got published, but I still had the art for it, while it originally was meant to represent the growth of AI in the classroom I feel that it’s found a new meaning. At least for me. It feels like senioritis, like procrastination. A student staring at a glowing screen at the late of night(probably from procrastination) with the school logo looming on the back of the laptop, a little like expectations.


A person in front of a laptop, a green hue covers everything. (Airi Thompson)
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About the Contributor
Airi Thompson
Airi Thompson, Assistant News Editor
This is Airi's first year on staff, they are a senior. They are super excited to be this year's Assistant News Editor.
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