Sports Fashion Friday- Kia Noibi ’18

Varsity track runner, Kia Noibi ’18 shared her sportswear as well as her casual wear with the WSS for this week’s Fashion Friday.

Teresa Knecht

Kia Noibi ’18 captured at the starting pose before beginning a run around the track.

Sadie Rhomberg and Gabby Skopec

West Side Story: Tell me about each outfit, what do you like about it?

Kia Noibi ‘18: It’s actually very comfortable and my uncle got it for me (outfit 1). The pants are comfortable but I wouldn’t run in them because they flare at the bottom. No one runs in yoga pants, either leggings or cropped leggings. The top is very soft and I like the color because it looks great with my dark complexion (outfit 2). I like the striped shirt because it’s not too tight around my arms. That’s my biggest thing with long sleeves, they can’t be too tight. I like stripes so a lot of my shirts have stripes. I wear my converse often because I love my converse (outfit 3).

WSS: Do you like it for track or casual wear and why?

KN: For one, it’s easy to move in because it is loose and not baggy (outfit 1). I would wear it for both because I’m that type of person (outfit 2). I like it for casual wear because it’s a step up for what I usually wear.  I usually wear leggings or sweatpants and a hoodie or a t-shirt (outfit 3).  

WSS: When and where would you wear this outfit?

KN: Honestly I would wear it to school or to track practice because like I said it’s comfortable (outfit 1). I would wear this outfit anytime (outfit 2). I would wear this outfit when I’m going out to eat with a group of people or I would even wear it to school but probably without the jacket (outfit 3).

WSS: Where did you find each piece and what brand are they?

KN: The top is Nike, the bottoms are Nike and the shoes are Nike (outfit 1). I found the top from Old Navy and the bottoms from Scheels and they’re nice (outfit 2). My pants and jacket are from abercrombie, my shoes are my black top converse and my shirt is Forever 21 (outfit 3).

WSS: What’s your favorite thing about this outfit?

KN: My favorite thing would probably have to be the quarter zip because it has thumb holes, and it is a very soft material (outfit 1). This is one of my favorite outfits because I know if I wear that top at school, I can wear it to practice on a chilly day (outfit 2). My favorite thing about this outfit would probably be my jeans. They are ripped but stretchy. I only wear stretchy jeans or jeans with rips because my thighs need to be able to breathe (outfit 3).

WSS: How would you describe your track/casual fashion?

KN: For track fashion it varies, my colors will clash sometimes. My regular outfits, like I said I mainly dress to be comfortable. I like darker colors like this green jacket (outfit 3) and I also love stripes, I brought a striped shirt with me.

WSS: Who or what do you normally look to for inspiration for track/casual fashion?

KN: I look at my friends and sometimes if they have on an outfit I will be inspired by the way they put it together. I also turn to my aunt because we are really close and she has good style.

WSS: Where do you normally shop for track/casual clothing?

KN: For track I mainly go to Scheels or occasionally I’ll go to Old Navy because they have really cute athletic stuff. For everyday clothes I like to go to Forever 21, American Eagle and Plato’s closet.

WSS: What advice would you give to someone looking to find their track/casual fashion?

KN: Don’t get stuff just because it is the trend because that’s how you will break your wallet.

WSS: What are your favorite clothing pieces and who would you recommend them to?

KN: My favorite pair of shoes for sure are my Converse. I wear them a lot. My favorite jacket would be any of my flannels. For pants I like leggings because I need room to breathe because it gets tight.