Missed connections 2018
West Side Story’s Valentine’s Day tradition has its readers anonymously share some of their missed chances at finding love.
February 14, 2018
“To the guy I’ve known since north central junior high show choir, you’re absolutely stunning and amazing. I know we used to be something, maybe would could be something once more? P.S. I dig the glasses, they work on you.”
“To the red-haired boy who always dresses sharp and dabs as way of greeting, you make my heart soar. Keep on being you.”
“My sweet bearded casanova, please notice me. Much love, a super shy gal.”
“To the cutie in the Mr Robot hoodie: Are you google? Because your everything I’m searching for. From: exactly who you’d expect ;)”
“Dear show choir dreamboat, I really don’t know how I’m still breathing because every time I see your hair flowing and your boys song facials, I die a little. You will always be in the front row of my heart. I’ve got my “eye on you”. Xoxo”
“Dear red sweatshirt guy that I made eye contact with at the fall fun fest, That night was the first time I saw you. I have no idea what grade you’re in or what your name is but now I see you all the time in the halls and think of what could be, so please say hi to me <3 from, waiting 4 love”
“Dear my love, I am very much missing our connections these days. Although our fire may have been spit on, I will never let the fire cease. Know I will always be there. All the love xx”
“Wow. The way your hair shines in the iridescent choir room lights make my heart melt. The shimmer of your glasses always makes me remember why I return to these hallowed halls. Don’t forget me.”
“The forces are so strong between us not even Mr. Kahler can keep us apart <3 I hope the motion map shows you moving towards me”
“To the beefiest man I’ve ever known, our time together was brief but just know I truly regret letting you go. I hope you are doing well. I look forward to admiring you from afar during my commute to P.E. Xoxo”
“To the woman who knows my heart. I can always count on you for a late night, early morning, and mid-afternoon talk. You always make me feel better even when you don’t try. You know me better than me. Love you forever. I’ll never forget you.”
“my heartstone beats only for you
i love to overwatch your every move
when you pass me i get quiplash
someday you’ll be my guitar hero”
“To the boy who saw me shove a pad up my sleeve: thank you for not looking away. From, that one non-discreet girl <3”
“We may have had physics together last tri, but now I think we’ve got chemistry”
“To band boy, your friend told my friend who told me that a few months ago, you called me cute. Please talk to me, thank you. Love, your potential gal”
“Hey Mr. Lifeguard, save me from my single life and be mine.”
“To the blonde online newspaper editor: you are the most beautiful incredible person in the world! So funny and nice! You deserve the world :)”
“To cute quiet girl: you cute ig”
“To anyone who might be interested:
hmu on my google+ dating profile
i’m lonely as hell
from: The poor soul still using gchat”
“From the very first day I saw you walking in the hallway, I knew I had to talk to you. And honestly, I wish I’d started talking to you earlier because we’re gonna graduate soon. And we might say now that we’ll keep in touch but what if we don’t? My heart will forever long to be connected to yours. I can’t wait to see you again, someday.”
“Brown Eyes, Sometimes I’ll catch yours looking at me in class. We broke up a couple years ago and we’ve both moved on, but those eyes will always be the best part of my day.”
“To the guy in my physics class who I have never talked to but I really want to even though I can’t because I’m so shy: Excuse me, but I’m really attracted to you and according to Newton’s laws of gravitation, you’ should be attracted to me, too.”
“To the boy in AP English, literally every girl thinks you’re super hot and you already rejected me but hey, everyone deserves a second chance right?”
“To the girl I walk past by the library every day, you’re beautiful and let me know when you want to get married”
“To the cute tall boy who I smile at in the halls a lot: PLEASE wake up and realize that I think you’re cute because I am by no means assertive. From: shy as heck”
“You’re a #physicsgenius you never have to explain your work, physics just POURS out of you like energy from a collision of two cars with equal mass”
“To the orange chicken I dropped on the floor. You will be missed”
“To the stud in my psych class, I could not imagine my life without you. You’re the jack in my box and the wolf in my woods. Your luscious locks are enough alone to make my heart pound. I just wish that someday you may pay attention to me as much as you do the games on your chrome book during class. My life would not be complete without you in it and I can only pray that someday you will believe the same. RSP, I love you and I know that someday you will be mine. Happy Valentine’s Day from me to the only Person I’ll ever love so much <3”
“Dear boy who is talented even if he doesn’t know it with the great hair- you’re really really great, thanks for talking about vines with me, you’re the best, let’s date.
-Miss Keisha”
“To my dingus of a boyfriend: This seems kinda sappy but i just wanna say how i appreciate you so much. even though we haven’t been dating for that long i know that i love spending time with you and it’s good to know that feeling is reciprocated. also just remember that the little sweet things you do on a daily basis do not go unnoticed, so keep it up.
From: Freckles”
“To the guy in AP Physics: Our paths have collided and I’m falling hard(ing) for you. Your intellect and witty jokes are a tension force pulling me towards you. We’d make a great force pair, and I’d be happy to ~unbalanced force~ you anytime. From: Smooshed Pooshed”
“To the girl who I saw eating the Otis Spunkmeyer muffin in 8th grade: I have been watching you for the past four years. I know everything about you, and I know all your secrets. I have seen you change and grow, and I hope that you notice me. I sit next to you in a few classes, and I sometimes I feel like you don’t even know I exist. From: eBay”
“Dear boy with the boot, You are super cute and give me butterflies. Not sure how to talk to you though. Sorry if you catch me staring at you, I promise I’m not creepy!”