I’m not sorry you’re scared

One WSS reporter responds to the men asserting their fears of false accusations following the Kavanaugh confirmation.


Maddi Shinall

Columns Editor Lucy Polyak ’19 shares her opinion on why she’s not sorry.

Lucy Polyak, Columns Editor

President Trump recently said, “It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. This is a very, very—this is a very difficult time.” Mothers are saying it’s a scary time to raise their sons. Men across the country are saying that it’s a scary time to take a woman on a solo date. But guess what? I’m not sorry you’re scared.

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court sparked a debate all around the world over the treatment of women and victims of sexual assault. Many people have come forward to publicly shame those who have recently shared their stories of sexual assault by yelling about their personal fears of being falsely accused. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford showed incredible bravery by speaking out about her experiences in the public way she did. Similar acts of courage are seen in women and men alike around the world who are as equally tired of hiding their shame. This past year’s movement of recognizing and aiming to end the epidemic of sexual assault, spearheaded by amazing women like Tarana Burke, has taken too many courageous steps forward to be erased by anxious malefactors.

There’s a simple solution here: don’t sexually assault people. The world has always been a scary place for people not in the seat of power, but survivors finding their voices does not turn the powerful into the meek and powerless. The scale has not shifted that drastically in such a short amount of time.

The only way to tip that aforementioned scale to an even, fearless line is to teach respect. This comes in the way of families, schools and communities being willing to take time to teach others about the values of empathy and compassion. The world needs to raise its children to see all human lives as worthy of having a voice that is not only heard, but listened to. When someone says “I am hurting,” you listen to them. When someone says “I am being serious,” you listen to them. When someone says “No,” you listen to them.

The world needs to raise its children to see all human lives as worthy of having a voice that is not only heard, but listened to.

America—we can be better than this. We can vote for elected officials that are better than this. We can create a world that is better than this. It starts with what we do in our own communities, but it can’t end there. We need to build united fronts, not walls, against the evils that humanity has to offer. To the Brett Kavanaugh’s all across the world who fear the power that the voices of the oppressed hold, we’re coming for you. And we’re not sorry you’re scared.