West High Supply hosts food and hygiene drive

Donations will be accepted through March 9.

Audrey Parrish

Donation boxes are located in the commons.

Audrey Parrish, Copy Editor

The West High Supply food pantry is hosting a food and hygiene drive from Feb. 22 to March 9. Proceeds will go to students and families in need.

The pandemic has been very challenging for many and the act of giving food to someone is a kind gesture to let them know that we care for them,” said Omega Dancel, a paraeducator and one of the organizers of the drive.

Items needed include food such as canned goods and pasta, or hygiene products. For a complete list, click here. There are collection boxes set up in the commons where students can put donations. Online students can drop off donations, but need to call ahead due to COVID restrictions.

In addition to food and hygiene donations, the West High Supply is looking for clubs to volunteer and help collect, sort and bag the items for West High families in need. Distribution day is March 12 from 11:30-12:30 during the grab-and-go lunch distribution period at West. 

For more information, contact Omega Dancel at dancel.omega@iowacityschools.org, Annie Guendkauf at annie-gudenkauf@uiowa.edu or Jamie Schneider at schneider.jamie@iowacityschools.org