How to support Ukraine from afar
With the recents attacks on Ukraine people may be asking themselves how they can help. Not only does monetary donations help, but also the donation of time and information being spread about the topic.
There are many ways to support Ukraine and those affected by the tragedy from the United States.
March 22, 2022
Although it is easy to feel removed from the goings-on in Ukraine right now there are many ways that students in Iowa can support those in Ukraine despite being an ocean away. Below are some great monetary and non-monetary options for ways to help support those in Ukraine.
Start conversations: talk to family, friends, and classmates about what is going on in Ukraine. Conversations can help others understand and cope with situations, especially students of Ukrainian and Russian descent.
Join (or start) a peaceful protest: Students have been more empowered than ever due to recent student-led protests in Iowa City and have seen more public information. Participating or starting a peaceful protest to show solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian students in the state can help raise awareness for the issue and encourage people to inform themselves on the problem.
Public Good (partnered with CNN): CNN has been doing extensive reporting on the tragedy happening in Ukraine and has partnered with the company Public Good to support forty different humanitarian organizations that help in Ukraine. So far, this fundraiser has given more than 5.7 million dollars to these organizations and hopes to give even more.
Voices of Children: Voices of children is a Ukrainian-based organization that tells stories about children who have grown up in a warzone. They make videos illustrating a child’s view of the situation to educate yourself. The art therapy section pulls heartstrings where kids draw their old houses or family they lost and tell the stories behind the drawings. There are also trained psychologists who speak with the children and a place to donate money for all these efforts that go into the organization.
UNICEF: UNICEF has been an organization for humanitarian relief for a very long time with their very own club at West. They are focusing on giving families and children food, clean water, healthcare, and much more during these hard times.
WHO Foundation Emergency Appeal: The WHO Foundation Emergency Appeal raises funds for frontline workers for the world health organization’s groundwork in Ukraine to give Ukrainians basic healthcare for viruses, diseases, cancers, and much more.
Ukraine Red cross: Much like the red cross located in the united states, the Ukrainian red cross uses funds to distribute blood needed, mobilize volunteers, and bring any other resources possible.
Insight: An LGBTQ+-focused organization giving resources and supplies to those part of the community. They also supply ways for those transitioning to get hormone therapy. Along with phycologists and doctors to help those struggling. So far, they have opened two shelters for those who have lost their homes and helped relocate to places where they are safe.
Come back Alive: Come back alive is an organization that started in 2013 that stands by the Ukrainian army and helps give them resources and supplies to come back alive.