The raging smurfs say goodbye to West

Every year seniors want to leave their mark on West High with fun pranks. Take a look at the most recent ones.

Courtesy of Iahn Shim ’22

The 2022 senior graduates take a group picture after their successful prank.

Ijin Shim, videographer

As an unofficial tradition, every year seniors try to pull off reckless and harmless pranks as they leave West High, such as putting a Porta-potty on top of the school (a senior prank of the class of 2021). This year the class of 2022 came up with a clever idea. About sixteen seniors gathered and painted themselves with blue paint to disguise themselves as Smurfs and Gargamel (from the Pixar movie The Smurfs). Will Towler ’22 who was Gargamel, was on a hunt for some smurfs, so the group of Smurfs was chased around the school by Towler to simulate the movie. In addition to this, students took it upon themselves to park their vehicles in pretty strange places. The class of 2022 definitely left its mark.