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The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

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Yeju Seol 26
Yeju Seol
Artist and Reporter

She is a sophomore and this is her first year on staff. She likes penguins.

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Annual West choirs spring concert

The West choirs performed in the Arganbright Auditorium May 9 for their annual Spring Choral Concert.
McKenna Stephens
West Singers performs the song “My Spirit Sang All Day” by Gerald Finzi.

With the end of another trimester, West Choirs hosted their annual Spring Choral Concert. The concert took place in the Arganbright Auditorium May 9 and was filled with performances of pieces from French songs to Irish songs to songs in English too.

The night kicked off with West Treble choir’s set where they performed “Big Sky” Amy F. Bernon and “Oye” by Jim Papoulis. Bass Choir followed up with “Tshotsholoza” a traditional South African song and “Dos Oruguitas” from Disney’s “Encanto.”

Following the two performances, Virtuosa took the stage with Dolly Parton’s “Clear Blue Morning” and a French song called “Dirait-On.” They then sang “Mouth Music” by Dolores Keane and John Faulker. Virtuosa ended their set with “Show Me Love” which they perform at the spring concert each year.

The audience then welcomed West Singers to end the show with “My Spirit Sang All Day” by Gerald Finzi and “Earth Song” by Frank Tichelli. The choir ended their set with “Sing Me to Heaven” by Daniel Gawthrop. All four choirs combined to end the night with West High’s Alma Matter, “Hymm to the Green and the Gold.”

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About the Contributors
Zaira Ahmad
Zaira Ahmad, Print Editor-in-Chief
(she/her) Zaira Ahmad is a Senior at West High. This is her third year on staff, and she is the Print Editor-In-Chief. Outside of the newsroom, you can probably find Zaira at show choir rehearsal or volunteering with Rotary. She also loves spending time with her friends and family, reading, and watching movies.
McKenna Stephens
McKenna Stephens, Designer, Photographer
(she/her) McKenna is a senior and this will be her second year on staff. She is a designer and photographer for WSS. McKenna is also involved in show choir, dance and theater.
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