ICCSD to continue COVID-19 quarantine protocols
With the new House File 847 law being passed, the Iowa City Community School District will continue to follow its existing quarantine guidelines for those exposed to COVID-19.
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May 27, 2021
Iowa City Community School District Superintendent Matt Degner alerted families via email May 27 that despite the HF 847 law no longer allowing schools to require masks, the district will continue to follow its quarantine protocols regarding those who have come into contact with a COVID-19 positive individual through the rest of the school year.
These current guidelines require that an individual must quarantine if they have been within six feet of a COVID-19 positive person for at least 15 minutes. However, it is no longer recommended that they quarantine themselves if both individuals were wearing masks “consistently and correctly.” If it is determined that the individuals need to quarantine, they may return to school after ten days without a test as long as they are fever free or seven days with a negative test taken within the last 48 hours of quarantine. Those who are exposed to a positive member of their household must quarantine for 14 days.
With the Pfizer vaccine opening up for those 12 to 15, fully vaccinated individuals do not need to quarantine as long as they do not experience any symptoms.
Superintendent Degner will revisit these as more information comes and will continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations despite these new laws.
“We will continue to keep you updated with any additional changes to COVID-19 health and safety guidance,” Degner said. “Thank you for your support.”