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The student news source of Iowa City West High

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The student news source of Iowa City West High

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Neema Ash
FOJ Intern

Neema is super excited to be an intern this year on staff. She is a junior this year.

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Dairy Queen taste test: graduation edition

Summer is approaching, which means ice cream season is here.

Picture this: the summer haze is dancing through the air. Pants are being swapped for shorts. School is ending, and homework is banished. Yet there is one thing that is necessary for the summer season: ice cream. The iconic summer dessert is making its way back. Mint chip, cookie dough, rainbow sherbet and more are at our fingertips. However, these are just the classics; Dairy Queen, a popular ice cream company, is introducing new, unique flavors each month. The April flavors include a frosted animal cookie blizzard, brownie batter and more. 

Now that these delicious treats are back in season, it’s only right that the best food experts review Dairy Queen blizzards. WSS staffers Tessa Gibson ’24 and Anna Gibson ’26 will review blizzards and rate them on a scale of 1-10 ice cream scoops. Blizzards are one of the popular menu items at Dairy Queen Dairy. They are filled to the brim with delicious toppings and smooth, decadent chocolate or vanilla soft serve.  

However, reviewing ice cream isn’t an easy task. There are a few things to take into account when reviewing ice cream treats such as blizzards: the amount of crunchy toppings, the flavor of the creamy soft serve and the overall taste of toppings and ice cream together and whether there is harmony between the two. 

Unfortunately, as the end of the year approaches, Tessa will graduate soon, meaning this series is coming to a close. Watch one last time to see your favorite food critics review these summer treats! The video below will reveal which Summer Blizzard is truly the best.

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About the Contributors
Tessa Gibson
Tessa Gibson, Profiles Editor
(she/her) Tessa is a senior this year and this is her 3rd year on staff. She is the profiles editor and one of the social media editors. She loves reality tv shows and ice cream.
Anna Gibson
Anna Gibson, FOJ Intern
(She/her) Anna Gibson is currently a sophomore and this is her first year as a FOJ intern. Anna loves to play volleyball and hang out with her friends
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