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The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

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Wesal Haroun
Wesal Haroun
Yearbook Co-Editor-in-Chief

(she/her) Wesal Haroun is a senior at West High and this is her third year on staff. She is the Trojan Epic Yearbook Co-Editor-in-Chief. In addition to photography and design, she likes to hang out with...

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Fashion Friday: graduating in style

Graduation is fast approaching, and with it comes the need to find a dress that won’t look frumpy underneath a cap and gown. 
Jules Keranen
Class of 2024 finds graduation looming closer and closer and with it comes the decision of a grad outfit.

There are many options for a graduation dress, from the classic white to ditsy floral or a more formal black. For a last-minute look, your best is a simple dress pulled from your closet that might be concert black or your designated ‘casual and modest impress adults’ outfit that’s always a safe bet. However, if you have a bit more time or are willing to pay for express shipping, here is a guide to finding the perfect graduation outfit. 

First, you should decide what kind of outfit you want to present yourself in. If you’re leaning toward the basic white, places like Princess Polly and PacSun are good bets. A white dress is a great option because it contrasts with the cap and gown colors, and is a staple for graduation dresses. Princess Polly prices often range between $40-$70, while PacSun can be about $30-$50 for a dress. 

If you want to go for a more spring-summer look and lean into a youthful vibe, a ditsy floral would be perfect. Flower prints never fully go out of fashion and are often favored by grandparents. Some good places to find a floral dress are Brandy Melville and PacSun. Brandy Melville Dresses prices go from $24-$45, but shipping tacks on another $7. 

On the other hand, sometimes pricier dresses are more favorable. House of CB and Tiger Mist are two pricier stores that offer more high-end dresses. Tiger Mist prices often start around $70-$80, while House of CB starts commonly around $150-$200. If you’re willing to spend more money on the perfect dress for graduation, these are two places perfect for you. 

Of course, other options that are cheap and efficient are online stores like Amazon, or if you have the time thrifting is a great option to shop sustainably and find a unique piece for such an exciting day. Places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, Crowded Closet and Stuff Etc. all have dress sections to sift through.

Good luck to all graduates in finding the perfect outfit and congratulations to the class of 2024! Happy graduation.

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About the Contributor
Jules Keranen
Jules Keranen, Entertainment Editor

(they/them) Jules is a senior and this is their second year on the West Side Story. They are the entertainment editor for the online publication. After school they spend most of the time with their cat, Baby, watching movies.

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