JETS competition

JETS TEAMS had a competition Feb. 14. Teams of students competed against each other in two events.

Jack Alden, Reporter

On Valentines Day, 16 groups of high school students participated in an engineering-based competition called TEAMS. Each team participating in the competition had already worked together to write a 1000-word or less essay on making cities more bike accessible. They had to turn them in by February 10. Each chapter of TEAMS TSA has from February 11 through March 3 to host a competition for their groups. 13 groups were from West high and 3 from City.

After everyone got settled in the Tyler Building, the West high JETS coaches, Keith Kraeplin and Dominic Audia, gave the directions for the multiple choice portion of the competition. Each team was allowed one computer to log into the site to input their answers. The exam was 60 minutes long and consisted of 4 parts. Each of the 4 sections was over different engineering-related topics and each section had equations and a short introduction to the topic. After the test, the teams took a break for lunch. Lunch was from Bread Garden restaurant. 

Jack Alden

Once lunch was over, everyone got back together for the build section of the competition. For the build, you had to design a miniature prototype of a luggage transport system. The build started with 15 minutes to plan where you could look at the materials and prompt and sketch designs but not start building. After those 15 minutes, your team could start building and recording their build. 

To try and complete this task the groups were given 120 minutes to complete a functional design and record it working. After 120 minutes, they had to upload the video and complete the score sheet. The score sheet included a portion for adding up the cost of their materials. Each material had a different price. After the build portion of the competition, everyone cleaned up and prepared to go home. The winners will not be announced until April since TEAMS groups across the country and state are given until March 3 to host their competitions and TSA needs to rank the builds and essays as well as score the multiple choice test.