With awards season on the horizon, it’s time for the serious, Oscar bait dramas to start cropping up in cinemas. “Beautiful Boy” is an example of such a film and combines two distinct genres that...
When your movie franchise has raked in billions of cumulative dollars in worldwide box office numbers, amassed a massive domain consisting of millions of stalwart fans and has made a hard-hitting impact...
Anna Brown, Print Co-Copy Editor
• November 20, 2018
A little girl stands in front of the mirror, grabs the hem of her ruffled skirt and twirls the bright fabric with flower patterns around her body. Across the Atlantic Ocean, another child ties her hair...
From memorizing lines to managing different sections of tech to coordinating and directing rehearsals, it takes a miracle to get a play done. West High’s play this fall is George Seaton’s Miracle on...
Rain and Harry talk movies! This episode's topics include horror movies, reboots, Stephen King and more. The xenomorph in the original Alien-- frightening or feeble? Tune in to hear two WSS staffers' thoughts...
Kristina Rosebrook, Online and Broadcast Entertainment Editor
• November 16, 2018
Every dog breed has a different temperament and your personality might just match up with one of the three pooches in this quiz. Answer 5 questions about your favorite Thanksgiving dishes to find out....
Kristina Rosebrook, Online and Broadcast Entertainment Editor
• November 16, 2018
Finals are officially over, and now you might be feeling like you have too much time on your hands. Binge-watching Netflix is fun, but after awhile it starts to feel a little tiring. Maybe you’re want...
The season of Halloween and the small, munchable morsels of sugary flavored sweets that came with it has passed. While the sweetness and candy which define the month of October have subsided, it...
Oftentimes, the great actors from the golden age of film will call it quits without putting much thought into what their last film is. This frequently leads to outstanding careers ending like bad jokes....
Kristina Rosebrook, Online and Broadcast Entertainment Editor
• November 11, 2018
Leaves are falling, there's a chill in the air and pumpkin spice lattes have made a reappearance. Is the whole theme of pumpkin-spiced foods and drinks overhyped? West Side Story is here to find out by...
Lily Meng, Online Co-Copy Editor
• November 10, 2018
The life of a principal seems like a mundane job at first glance - always at meetings, taking phone calls or dealing with students called into the dreaded principal’s office. But Principal Gregg Shoultz’s...
Any fan of the musical hits from the late 20th century should be familiar with Queen, a band that distinguished themselves through their wide range of songs and the distinctive voice of lead singer Freddie...