As the final day of the 2023-24 school year, June 5, approaches, the West High Administration released its new finals schedule for grades 9-11.
Principal Mitch Gross explained in an email sent to parents and students on May 10 that this new finals schedule was a collaboration between teachers and administration to address concerns that the normal 53-minute class periods were not enough time for final exams, and the new schedule allows for longer testing periods. This schedule was also devised to better prepare students for post-secondary education.
To be implemented on June 3-5, specific periods will be assigned to hold their final exam on one of the three scheduled days with longer testing periods. Seniors, whose last day is May 30, will not participate in the new finals schedule.
Periods 1 and 3 as well as periods 4, 5 and 7 will have their exams on June 3 and 4, respectively. These testing periods will last for an hour and 20 minutes and the remaining class periods will last 30 minutes and be devoted to study time.
Students will be released an hour early on June 5 and the schedule is slightly shortened to account for that. Periods 2 and 6 will hold finals on that day and will run for an hour and 20 minutes and the remaining periods will last 30 minutes. Additionally, students with an Early Bird class will have their final exam on June 5. Fourth period on all three days will remain 50 minutes with a 30 minute lunch.
When students aren’t testing, their other class periods will be devoted to providing study time for finals and no new material can be covered. Alternatively, parents or guardians can excuse their child during these study class periods so students can leave campus between final exams. Only students whose parents or guardians call attendance or excuse them through Infinite Campus can leave campus between testing periods.
In Gross’s email, he emphasized the importance of attendance for final exams. “It’s crucial that your student attends school for final exams. If your student is ill or there is a family emergency, you must contact the school to report the absence or submit it through Infinite Campus. To report absences, call 319-688-1090 (9/10 attendance) or 319-688-1091 (11/12 attendance). Students with excused absences who cannot complete their exams during the testing window may receive an “Incomplete” on their transcript until the exam can be completed. Students who miss a final exam with an unexcused absence will not be allowed to retake the missed exams. Please ensure your student is in attendance to avoid this situation.”
Students who know they will be absent for a final exam are responsible for communicating with their teacher in order to ensure that their exam is completed by June 5.