“Mortal Engines” takes place on a dystopian, post-apocalyptic Earth as cities have risen up from the ground and donned wheels, becoming large, mobile fleets. These new, mobilized cities all follow...
No matter how sad it may be, there will come a time where we dub ourselves “too old” to trick-or-treat. Maybe the lack of costume options at Walmart was an indicator, or perhaps it was a parent bluntly...
We've all been there. The end of the trimester is approaching, fall sports are starting to wrap up, temperatures are dropping and you are still dealing with the everyday stressors life throws at you. You...
Lily Meng, Online Co-Copy Editor
• October 27, 2018
First trimester is quickly coming to an end and it seems like teachers aren’t hesitating to assign an onslaught of finals, projects and essays. It seems like there’s no time for you to just relax or...
In today’s internet society, videos are king. According to Youtube, there are already roughly 1.9 billion Youtube users spending over a billion hours per day on Youtube in total, and that number keeps...
Thanks mainly in part to Netflix, documentaries have gained a lot of popularity with American viewers. The reasons why are as diverse as the topics that said films can cover. Needless to say, a thirst...
For those that may not be aware, Mega Man (known as Rock Man in Japan) is a thirty-year-old game series which originally debuted on the NES/Famicom. It stars a household robot-turned fighting machine...
The last time we saw Venom, the voracious Spider-Man villain created by Marvel Comics, was over 10 years ago as a side villain in the Sam Raimi-directed “Spider-Man 3.” Immediately upon the release...
Colony Pumpkin Patch:
Not only can you find your perfect arrangement of pumpkins and gourds to decorate or carve, Colony also offers fun activities like hayrack rides, a children’s play area and zombie...
Jack Harris, Online Copy Editor and Arts Editor
• October 17, 2018
“First Man” is very much like the moon landing itself, not perfect but because of the people involved, ultimately successful. "First Man" is a movie from director Damien Chazelle, who is best known...