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  • MONDAY 3/10: third trimester begins, boys track and field @ Wartburg + UNI Dome
  • TUESDAY 3/11: girls track and field @ UNI Dome
  • THURSDAY 3/13: boys track and field @ Lied Rec Center
  • FRIDAY 3/14: 2 hour early release, girls track and field @ Lied Rec Center
The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

The student news source of Iowa City West High

West Side Story

Luke Krchak

Luke Krchak, Reporter

Luke Krchak is an online reporter. This is his third year on staff. When he is outside of school he is either writing the next mystery/sci-fi novel, or he is watching hit movies from the ’80s.

All content by Luke Krchak
After some initial challenges, WSS staffer Luke Krchak is happy with his PS5.

PS5: Staying unboxed

Luke Krchak, Reporter
February 9, 2021
WSS staffer Luke Krchak '21 explains his hang ups with the Playstation 5.

PS5: Reboxed

Luke Krchak, Reporter
November 19, 2020
Before COVID-19 shutdowns, Theatre West staged shows like "West Side Story" and "Sweeney Todd" with live audiences.

The greatest tragedy unplayed

Luke Krchak, Reporter
November 18, 2020
Some West teachers have taken to working second jobs to supplement income or to pursue a passion in their non-teaching hours.

Working double time

Luke Krchak, Reporter
September 24, 2020
Branching out to the military

Branching out to the military

Luke Krchak, Reporter
February 24, 2020
Math teacher Karen Meyer looks toward a student coming up the stairs, greeting him as he passes.

Inspiring the next generation

Luke Krchak, Reporter
December 26, 2019
Math teacher James Kirpes passes out information about an upcoming competition to math club members.

The theorem for winning

Luke Krchak, Reporter
December 5, 2019
Living in Neuzilville

Living in Neuzilville

Luke Krchak, Reporter
November 11, 2019
Research has shown that texting and driving multiplies the risk of crashing by 2200%.

Crash course on teen driving

Luke Krchak, Reporter
November 2, 2019
Abbie Weipert, Business teacher at West High, works at her desk after dismissing her fourth period class.

The financials of teaching

Luke Krchak, Reporter
September 19, 2019
Garret Hartwig, English teacher and football coach, started the Green and Gold Academy, a new program this year.

Beginning Green and Gold Academy

Luke Krchak, Reporter
September 18, 2019
Coach Hartwig watches Joey Chase '21 as he gets ready to lift at football practice.

Homefield advantage

Luke Krchak, Reporter
May 22, 2019
Mr. Witt talks about his 14 years of teaching math.

The art of mathematical teaching

Luke Krchak, Reporter
September 25, 2018
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The student news source of Iowa City West High
Luke Krchak